Droga MadameGT!
Droga MadameGT!
Dawno do Ciebie nie pisałem. A ostatnio trochę się działo...
Miki67 i dwóch innych członków, niestety odeszło. Miki67 znalazł swoich hiszpańskich kolegów. Cóż, jego wybór. Chciałbym kiedyś wyzwać jego klub na pojedynek.
Spytasz się co robi Mateusz? Trzyma napięcie :-D. Niestety, póki co nie może się pojawić. Ale jest z nami duchem. Oczekujemy ciągle jego przyjścia...to człowiek legenda.
Zrezygnowany takim offlinem ze strony członków, wybrałem się w kolejną samotną podróż po wyspach Ibiza i Oahu.
Na Hawajach spotkałem pewnego anglika. Jego nick to GTS123, jego imię to Graham. Zaprosiłem go do klubu na próbę. Bardzo szybko się polubiliśmy. Zgodził się zostać członkiem klubu Markrox.
Jego obecność zaowocowała nie tylko wspólnym crusingiem, ale także garścią punktów z wyzwań międzyklubowych.
W wyzwaniach międzyklubowych nie było łatwo. Jedne kluby były lepsze od nas, inne niestety oszukiwały. Świat jest okrutny, to fakt, ale uzbieraliśmy już 853 punkty.
Szkoda, że obecnie mało klubów chce rywalizować. Ale może znajdziemy z Grahamem jakiś dobry klub do uczciwej rywalizacji...
Póki co będziemy uczestniczyć dziś w Zlocie Aut roku 2011 TOP GEAR organizowanym przez Maciek_2PL.
Dear Madame GT!
I have not been writting to you for a long time. But i have some things to tell...
Miki67 and two other members left form the club. Miki67 found his spanish collegues. His choice. I would like to face his club someday.
You might ask what is Mathew doing? He is keeping the heat. Unfortunatelly, there is no chance for him to appear now. But his spirit is with us. We are still waitng for him. He's a legend.
With this sadness because of offlining clubbers i decided for another lonely travel throughout Ibiza and Oahu islands.
When traveling I met some englishman. His nick is GTS123, his name is Graham. I invited him to the club to test his driving skills. We liked each other. So he became a member.
His presence resulted not only in the cruising, but also in a bunch of points from interclub races.
Altough it was not easy, some clubs were better, but some unfortunatelly were cheating. World is cruel, that's a fact, but we have collected 853 points.
It's a shame that, there are so few clubs to compete nowadays. But maybe with Graham we will find a good club to challenge.
For now we are going to participate in Top Gear Cars Of The Year 2011 Meeting organised by Maciek_2PL
Dear Madame GT!
I have not been writting to you for a long time. But i have some things to tell...
Miki67 and two other members left form the club. Miki67 found his spanish collegues. His choice. I would like to face his club someday.
You might ask what is Mathew doing? He is keeping the heat. Unfortunatelly, there is no chance for him to appear now. But his spirit is with us. We are still waitng for him. He's a legend.
With this sadness because of offlining clubbers i decided for another lonely travel throughout Ibiza and Oahu islands.
When traveling I met some englishman. His nick is GTS123, his name is Graham. I invited him to the club to test his driving skills. We liked each other. So he became a member.
His presence resulted not only in the cruising, but also in a bunch of points from interclub races.
Altough it was not easy, some clubs were better, but some unfortunatelly were cheating. World is cruel, that's a fact, but we have collected 853 points.
It's a shame that, there are so few clubs to compete nowadays. But maybe with Graham we will find a good club to challenge.
For now we are going to participate in Top Gear Cars Of The Year 2011 Meeting organised by Maciek_2PL
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